How to prepare for finals

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You have to come to the end of the semester. You have to ace this class because your grade depends on it. Don’t stress, you have to set up a strategy for studying,

1. Create your own study guide.

You can create your own study guide that can help you understand the material better. You can use a planner to outline the important information you need to learn for the final.

2. Office hours

Students should go to office hours to discuss with their professors any topics that need clarification. Ask them questions regarding the material and the exam so that you’re prepared when exam time arrives. This is not the time to harass the professor for extra credit for a better grade.

3. Attend a study group

You can create a study group with peers from your course. You can obtain vital information on exam format and other ideas. Peer tutoring can be beneficial interacting

4. Time Management

I know everyone likes to cram but it’s not a wise choice. Students are too stressed which causes anxiety. You can take at least 1-hour study break to balance your body and maximize test performance.

5. Self-care

Make sure you stay hydrated during the final season. Eat a balanced diet filled with protein, such as eggs, yogurt, lean meats. Eat foods with antioxidants such as blueberries, nuts, and bananas. Stay hydrated by drinking water. The most important thing is to be alert and to get a good night’s sleep.

6. Create a study schedule.

Organize your courses to determine the level of difficulty. Splitting the material into chunks you can actually achieve can be very beneficial. Your harder courses will need more time devoted to studying. Don’t neglect courses that you think are easy. Professors can give you a curveball during the final.

7. You are Done!

You are done. You completed your last final. Now you have time to spend time with your family and friends.

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