How to benefit from a college fair

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College fairs are a great resource for students. It might be your first opportunity to interact with individuals who are affiliated with your prospective colleges. And, it might open your eyes to other colleges you weren’t even thinking about researching.

Many community colleges host a college transfer fair to introduce students to the transfer process. The transfer process requires that you monitor your credits and degree requirements in order to improve your chances of being accepted at your 4- year college.



Being prepared when talking to college representatives will make a great impression. You should research the colleges that you are interested in. The key points you can look for : college majors, location, extracurricular activities, admission policies, scholarships, costs, and safety.

Potential College Fair Questions

Here is a list of questions you could ask the college representatives regarding Science programs.

  1. What are the most popular STEM programs at your school?
  2. What type of career guidance in STEM does your College provide?
  3. How can I stand out as an applicant to these programs?
  4. Does it matter what major I select on my application?
  5. Can I change my major when I apply to the college?
  6. What are the biggest misconceptions transfer students have about your school?
  7. I want to go to Physician Assistant school. What major do you recommend students apply for?
  8. What is your College’s success rate for students getting into medical/ health professional schools/programs?
  9. Are there research opportunities for students majoring in STEM?
  10. Do you have any 3+2 programs that allow me to earn a Master’s degree at your school?
  11. Will all of my credits transfer to your school? What is the process for transfer credit evaluation?  Is it Admissions or the departments or both?
  12. Do grades below a C transfer? Is science and math GPA used to determine if a student will be accepted into a STEM program or is it the overall GPA or both?
  13. How long can I expect to spend in a BA/BS program? Is it 2 years or more?
  14. What math level is required for STEM programs?
  15. Is there a separate application for any special programs at your College?

The above questions are just some of the questions you can ask college representatives at college fairs. There may be other factors that you would like to discuss with the representative.  This can include information about Science Research programs, extracurricular activity, or study abroad, on campus.  Ask the questions that are important to you. Remember to get the business card of the admission rep if you have follow-up questions. The information combined with the assistance you will receive from your school counselor can help you make the best college decision that is best for you and your career.  The college fair is an important part of the college admissions process.

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